Frequently Asked Questions about VASER Liposuction

Frequently Asked Questions about VASER Liposuction

VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. It is a specialized ultrasound technology used to break down fat cells by sending out ultrasonic frequency waves.

VASER is a body sculpting treatment generally used with traditional liposuction to remove excess fat from difficult areas such as the back, upper abdomen and male breast area. It is also useful in revision liposuction.

In this blog post Dr. Ronald Schuster provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about this exciting procedure.

What are the advantages of VASER?

When performed by a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon, VASER is a safe way to achieve more beautiful body contours. As with any procedure, pain and discomfort vary from patient to patient, but most patients find that pain is minimal.

VASER is equally effective for large and small areas of the body. It was designed to offer a gentler and more precise way to contour different body parts versus traditional liposuction.

Another advantage of VASER is that the surrounding tissues are left intact, allowing the area to heal and look as natural as possible. Everyone heals differently, but most patients have less swelling and bruising after the procedure than patients who have traditional liposuction.

How does VASER liposuction work?

For the area that will be treated, Dr. Schuster will administer a tumescent solution via an injection to numb the area and constrict the blood vessels. Instead of using a cannula and manual movement to loosen the fat, VASER uses high-frequency sound vibration to break up the fat cells.

A small cannula is then used to gently suction the liquid containing the  unwanted fat cells from the target area. A small amount of medication remains in the area to help reduce post-procedural pain.

What are good target areas for VASER liposuction?

VASER can be performed on many areas of the body, including:

  • Love handles
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Chest
  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Knees

The best way to determine whether body sculpting with VASER liposuction is right for you is to meet with Dr. Schuster in person. During your appointment, he will discuss what you hope to look like after surgery, and will recommend the type of surgery he feels will provide the optimal results. Please contact our Baltimore office to request an appointment with Dr. Schuster today.



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