Don’t be alarmed if your chest doesn’t look as flat or even as you expected right away. It can take several months for swelling to resolve. These simple steps may help speed up the process.
3 Steps for Reducing Swelling After Gynecomastia Surgery
Apply Ice Packs or Gel Packs
A cold compress or ice pack can help decrease inflammation when applied after surgery. It narrows the blood vessels and prevents some blood cells from reaching the treated area.
It’s important to follow specific protocols when applying ice after gynecomastia surgery. For example, you should never put ice or frozen plastic directly on your skin, nor should you ice for longer than 10 minutes at a time. Always have a thin layer of cloth between the ice pack and your skin. This is because your skin will be numb after surgery, and you could get a frostbite burn.
Wear a Compression Garment
A compression garment is a tight piece of clothing that applies pressure to a specific area. It’s often used after surgical procedures to control swelling and help the skin shrink down quickly.
You can expect to wear a compression vest beneath your clothes for three weeks after gynecomastia surgery. It will comfortably support your chest during the recovery period.
Give Your Body Time To Rest
Your body will do most of the work for you—as long as you give it the tools it needs. That means limiting physical activity and not pushing yourself to do anything that feels uncomfortable. You must remain “quiet” for the first two weeks. No lifting, pushing, pulling, home projects, exercise, or anything else that causes exertion. After two weeks, you can usually resume cardio, but first, check with Dr. Schuster about your specific recovery schedule.
Paying attention to what your body needs to recover also means getting plenty of sleep. Quality sleep goes a long way to speed up healing. And if you sleep in a reclined position, it will have a beneficial impact on swelling. Try propping your upper body up on a few extra pillows at night.
How Long Does Swelling Last After Gyno Surgery?
It is common to experience swelling during the recovery process, and it tends to be most pronounced during the initial days following gynecomastia surgery. Typically, the majority of the swelling should subside by the end of the sixth week following the procedure.
Swelling, also known as edema, is a common occurrence during the process of recovery post-surgery. This condition occurs due to a leakage from tiny blood vessels, resulting in an accumulation of fluid in the body’s soft tissues.
How Long Does It Take for the Chest To Flatten After Gynecomastia Surgery?
The majority of men who undergo gynecomastia surgery report a permanent improvement in their chest size and shape. This may result in a flatter, firmer, and more defined shape. Nevertheless, it may take a few months for the swelling to go down and the overlying skin to tighten up. Consequently, the chest may not completely flatten and smooth down for a few months.
Should I Massage After Gyno Surgery?
After gynecomastia surgery, some patients find that gently massaging the area around the incision helps reduce scar tissue and speed up the healing process.
Some patients begin massaging approximately three weeks post-surgery, doing so multiple times daily for about 20 minutes. Some even continue the massage therapy for eight weeks or longer if necessary.
The vital thing to note here is that each patient’s healing is different. Massage may work for another, but it may also potentially affect your results. Before practicing self-massage near your incision site at any point in the healing process, be sure to consult with Dr. Schuster first about the appropriate methods.
How Can I Heal Faster After Gynecomastia Surgery?
Here are some additional tips to help you heal faster after surgery:
Eat Well
Eating a diet rich in nutrients can aid in the recovery process. Several vitamins like A, C, B12, D, and E are beneficial for wound healing and possess anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamins A and C can be found in orange and dark green vegetables, citrus fruits, berries, potatoes, and tomatoes.
After your surgery, begin with mild options like crackers or toast, and gradually transition to regular meals. Increasing your protein intake is advised to support your body’s healing process. Consider adding protein bars, powder, or shakes to your daily intake.
Hydrate Regularly
Ensuring you stay hydrated is crucial, especially following a surgical procedure. Water plays a pivotal role in post-operative healing by assisting in wound closure, temperature regulation, cellular growth, and waste elimination.
Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions
Adhering to Dr. Schuster’s post-operative care instructions is crucial for the success of your surgery. Additionally, it’s important not to miss any follow-up appointments. It is critical to ensure that the surgical incisions are not exposed to excessive force, swelling, abrasion, or movement during the healing process.
Schedule a Consultation for Gynecomastia Surgery in Baltimore County, Maryland
As a specialist in gynecomastia surgery for over 30 years, board-certified Baltimore County, MD, plastic surgeon Dr. Ronald Schuster takes a unique approach to gynecomastia surgery that produces a natural and masculine appearance with the least amount of noticeable scarring. This is crucial for patients who already struggle with the discomfort of the condition.
Men come from all over the nation to see Dr. Schuster for the treatment of enlarged or excess breast tissue. To find out if gynecomastia surgery is right for you, we invite you to schedule your male breast reduction consultation with Dr. Schuster. Call 410-902-9800 today to book your appointment.