Rhinoplasty Recovery Rules

rhinoplasty before after images

You’ve already made the decision to have rhinoplasty, been to a few consultations, selected a reputable plastic surgeon, and even blocked off the surgical date on your calendar. Compared to all the work that goes into getting nose surgery, the recovery is quite simple and straightforward. 

That said, you will need to practice good aftercare to stay comfortable and protect your results. Here are some general rules from our board-certified plastic surgeon to follow after rhinoplasty:

  • Take time off: Most rhinoplasty patients need a week off from work or school to recuperate. During this period, you will have a splint on the outside of your nose. 
  • Don’t wear glasses: Heavy eyewear and tight nose pads can put pressure on your healing nose and potentially create unwanted dents or bumps in the delicate tissue. 
  • Keep your head elevated: Swelling is a normal part of surgical recovery. Fortunately, minimizing it is as easy as maintaining an elevated head position. Refrain from bending over and sleep with your head on an extra pillow or two during the initial recovery.
  • Avoid smoking or drinking: Smoking reduces blood flow to the skin. Proper blood flow is essential to the healing process. Meanwhile, drinking dilates blood vessels and increases the risk of bleeding and bruising. It can also interact with pain medication.
  • Don’t pick or blow your nose: Your nose may feel a bit itchy or dry after the gauze packing comes out. It can be tempting to scratch or touch the inside of your nostrils, but you need to resist the urge because it can reopen the incisions, cause bleeding, and impair healing. For the same reasons, it’s important to refrain from blowing your nose.

Contact Our Baltimore Rhinoplasty Surgeon

If you haven’t selected a provider for your rhinoplasty, consider board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ronald Schuster. Patients travel from out of town and out of state to have nose surgery with him because he has skillfully performed this complex surgery for nearly 30 years.

Dr. Schuster provides all of his patients with detailed post-operative instructions. He will tell you what to do to ensure swift and effective healing. Call 410-902-9800 to schedule a consultation. We serve patients from Baltimore and Lutherville-Timonium, Maryland, and across the country.



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Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093

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